PurpleMath (Algebra) Math Kangaroo (contests) Math Mammoth (worktexts and workbooks) Basic Mathematics by Jetser Carasco Math Activities in Chinese (数学活动索引) GCSE Maths Revision Resources See Math (animations of number and algebra concepts) Math and Movement (using movement as part of math teaching) Norman Shapiro's "Geometry Through Art" Game Theory Lecture Notes Sierpinski Gasket Mathforum Eric Weissteins World Of Mathematics (mathworld) National Library of Virtual Manipulatives NRICH Mathematics - monthly maths quiz and more ilemaths.net French Maths Site - Island of Mathematics. Bitesize maths (Scotland) efg's computer lab Includes fractal pages and more on the sierpinski gasket Am I in Pi ? Game Theory .net GCSE.com A slice of Pi Ever wondered about Pi, well find out. KinderStart.com WWW Maths Virtual Library Worldclimate.com World climate statistics. UK Mathematics Trust Website Puzzles from Maths For Fun Maths for kids age 6 to 11 100 Great Mathematicians (a work in progress by Les Bill Gates)