How to Convert Imperial to Metric
Conversion is simply a matter of multiplying by the right number.
Follow these steps:
- 1. Find the right conversion number (see Metric - Imperial Conversion Charts)
- 2. Multiply.
- 3. If the answer is in the thousands or millions (or thousandths or millionths), then drop the zeros and use the correct prefix (see Metric Numbers)
Some examples will help:
Example: What is 2,000 yards in Metric?
1. In the chart it shows that 1 yd = 0.9144 m (meters)
2. Multiply 2,000 x 0.9144 = 1829 m
3. 1829 m is better expressed as 1.829 km (kilometers)
Example: What is 50 cubic foot in Metric?
1. In the chart it shows that 1 cu foot = 0.0283 m3 (cubic meters)
2. Multiply 50 x 0.0283 = 1.415 m3
3. Looks Good !