Percentage Difference,
Percentage Error,
Percentage Change

They are very similar ...

They all show a difference between two values as a percentage
of one (or both) values

(Refer to those links for more details)

How to Calculate

Step 1: Subtract one value from the other

Step 2: Then divide by ... what?

Step 3: Is the answer negative?

Step 4: Convert this into a percentage (multiply by 100 and add a % sign)

The Formulas

(Note: the "|" symbols mean absolute value, so negatives become positive.)


Percent Change = New Value − Old Value|Old Value| × 100%

Example: There were 200 customers yesterday, and 240 today:

240 − 200|200|× 100% = 40200 × 100% = 20%

A 20% increase.


Percent Error = |Approximate Value − Exact Value||Exact Value| × 100%

Example: I thought 70 people would turn up to the concert, but in fact 80 did!

|70 − 80||80| × 100% = 1080 × 100% = 12.5%

I was in error by 12.5%

(Without using the absolute value, the error is −12.5%, meaning I under-estimated the value)


Percentage Difference = |First Value − Second Value(First Value + Second Value)/2| × 100%

Example: "Best Shoes" gets 200 customers, and "Cheap Shoes" gets 240 customers:

|240 − 200(200+240)/2| × 100% = |40220| × 100% = 18.18...%

Rounded off, that is an 18% difference between them.


Mathopolis:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10