Explore the Quadratic Equation
A Quadratic Equation
(a, b, and c can have any value, except that a can't be 0.)
Try changing a, b and c to see what the graph looks like. Also see the "roots" (the solutions to the equation). Then read more about the Quadratic Equation.
Move the a, b and c slider bars to explore the properties of the quadratic graph.
Look at
- The effect of changes in a
- The effect of changes in b
- The effect of changes in c
- The effect of a negative values of a
- The effect of a positive values of a
- What happens when a=0 ?
- See if you can get the curve to just touch the x-axis (y=0)
- Can you get the "roots" −1.0 and 1.0 ?
The "roots" are the solutions to the equation.
When the curve crosses the x-axis (y=0) you will have:
- two solutions
- or ONE solution (if it just touches)
When the curve does not cross the line there are still solutions, but:
- the two solutions include Imaginary Numbers